The Advantages of Using Vacuum Excavation for Trenching and Shoring
It is well-known for excavation workers that trenches can collapse if not dug and secured correctly, posing a significant threat to workers' safety. Besides cave-ins, hazards may include falls, falling loads, hazardous atmospheres, and excavation equipment-related...
Potholing for Site Preparation and Utility Mapping – What You Need to Know
Underground utilities can pose a great hazard to workers. It is difficult and dangerous to excavate without knowing the exact location of the utility. But new methods such as potholing allow safe digging. What is utility potholing? Also known as “daylighting,” this...
The Effectiveness of Hydro Excavation for Underground Utility Locating and Damage Prevention
When it comes to hydro excavation, most people know that it is much more precise and efficient than traditional excavation. Still, few know that it can help safely locate and repair buried utilities. Damaging underground utilities may create a disaster, so excavation...